Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 20: Photo Organization

Day 20 of the 21-Day Challenge is organizing your photos.

I love digital photography, but it makes it WAY. TOO. EASY. to just put your pictures on your computer and not do anything with them.

I'm just a little behind in printing photos...the last time I printed pictures to put in Hannah's album was LAST Christmas...yikes! I've got a lot of work to do.

I know Toni's organized her physical photos, but before I do that, I need to organize my photos digitally.

I don't have any before and after pictures since I did it all on my computer

In my Photos folder, I made individual folders for each year. Then underneath that, I made folders for each month. Then within the individual months, I made folders for events

For example, September had  Hannah's Birthday, K-State Football Games, etc.)

I think this is the best way for me to organize my photos so that they are easily accessible.

I'm not completely finished (this is a lot more than a one day project!), but I have a great start! When I am done, then I can move on to ordering actual printed photos!!  Now that will be quite the task!


1 comment:

withpatience said...

I'm with you on the digital to print picture step. . .I also think that the digital scrapbooks are just as nice--big time saver and less messy too;-)