Saturday, November 19, 2011

Twilight Date Night

I've been working a lot lately (more on that later - that's why I've taken a little blog hiatus) and haven't had much quality time with the hubby. So, last night we, along with a couple hundred other people - mostly screaming teenage girls - went to see the latest Twilight movie, Breaking Dawn Part I.

We weren't crazy enough to go to the midnight showing, but we went on opening night.  I am no Twi-hard or whatever they call themselves, I just think the movies are really good. Though I think I need to read the books, but I was definitely not ready for the 'out there' aspect of Breaking Dawn Part I.  It was very different than the first three movies. Overall an ok flick though. Doesn't help that Edwards character looked pretty darn good in his tux during the wedding scenes.  I'm not into that whole Team Edward, Team Jacob thing, but if I had to choose, it would definitely be Edward. 

Anyone crazy enough to go to the midnight screening?  Thoughts on the movie? (I hear it followed the book very closely.)  Or could you care less about Twilight?


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